موقعك الحالي:صفحة رئيسية>المنتجات
Selenium Removal. Selenium is a metalloid present in the Earth’s crust, often occurring in higher concentrations with sulphur containing minerals. Weathering of these minerals can lead to high selenium concentration in groundwater. The mining and power production industries can produce wastewater high in selenium, along with the agricultural ...
Read MoreManagement of selenium (Se) -contaminated agricultural drainage water is one of the most important environmental issues in California. To evaluate the feasibility of utilizing constructed wetlands to remediate Se-laden drainage water and the role of biological volatilization in Se removal, 10 flow-through wetland cells were constructed in 1996 in Corcoran, California.
Read More2016-1-15 BioteQ has its Selen-IX™ process for selenium removal.This system is unique in that a small volume of spent regenerant solution is directed to a selenium electrochemical reduction step, where iron is added to form an iron-selenium solid (as in iron co-precipitation).The selenium-free solution is recycled back to the IX circuit, which concentrates the selenium into a sludge and eliminates the regenerant
Read More2003-1-1 Management of selenium (Se) -contaminated agricultural drainage water is one of the most important environmental issues in California. To evaluate the feasibility of utilizing constructed wetlands to remediate Se-laden drainage water and the role of biological volatilization in Se removal, 10 flow-through wetland cells were constructed in 1996 in Corcoran, California.
Read More2014-12-15 New Selenium Removal Technology This paper describes Selen-IX™, a novel integrated process developed by BioteQ for the selective removal of both selenite and selenate from water to concentrations below 5 µg/L. Selen-IX™ does so with minimal co-removal of other species from a wide range of water compositions. As Selen-IX™ involves
Read MoreCurrent site water management includes ACTIFLO arsenic (As) removal and clarification, followed by reverse osmosis (RO) membrane treatment. The company contracted with Inotec to evaluate the EBR technology’s potential to treat selenium from the mine
Read More2013-1-15 Zero-valent iron can be used for removing selenium from water via the reduction of selenium oxy-anions to elemental selenium (Se 0). However, this method is not effective for selenate removal and achieves only 87% removal efficiency [43] , [25] .
Read MoreThe removal of selenium from aqueous medium is complex and expensive, because of the high wastewater volumes generated, low discharge limits (even in μg/L) and the presence of Se (IV) and Se (VI) species (Santos et al. 2015). As regulatory limits are becoming stricter, selenium removal from wastewater has become more and more challenging.
Read More2020-7-27 The EPA’s best available technology (BAT) so far for selenium removal has been biological treatment with adsorption of the oxidized selenium compounds on an organic substrate, and subsequent digestion of the selenium oxides by microorganisms that convert the compounds to elemental selenium
Read More2016-9-1 Selenium (Se 79 34) is an essential element in living organisms.It is the 30th most abundant naturally occurring metalloid element on the Earth's crust. Selenium is present in the earth's crust at an estimated amount of 0.05–0.5 mg Se kg − 1 (Lemly, 2004), with total selenium concentrations in rocks amounting to 40% of the total earth's crust found mainly in sandstone, quartzite and ...
Read More2020-7-27 A Non-Biological Process for Selenium Removal from Industrial Wastewater. Posted by ChemTreat On 07/27/2020. One of the primary, and heretofore costly-to-remove, contaminants in coal-fired power plant wastewater streams is selenium. Concerns now abound regarding selenium toxicity in other streams, including mine tailings wastewaters, oil refinery discharge streams, and even some
Read More2003-1-1 Management of selenium (Se) -contaminated agricultural drainage water is one of the most important environmental issues in California. To evaluate the feasibility of utilizing constructed wetlands to remediate Se-laden drainage water and the role of biological volatilization in Se removal, 10 flow-through wetland cells were constructed in 1996 in Corcoran, California. The monthly monitoring ...
Read MoreNovel selenium removal method developed for mine waste-water. January 11, 2021. BRIMM Researcher Sue Baldwin and co-authors Frank Nkansah-Boadu and Ido Hatam (both of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering) have discovered new bacterial species capable of reducing selenium and nitrate simultaneously.
Read MoreCurrent site water management includes ACTIFLO arsenic (As) removal and clarification, followed by reverse osmosis (RO) membrane treatment. The company contracted with Inotec to evaluate the EBR technology’s potential to treat selenium from the mine waters and to meet the strict discharge limit of 1
Read MoreThe removal of selenium from aqueous medium is complex and expensive, because of the high wastewater volumes generated, low discharge limits (even in μg/L) and the presence of Se(IV) and Se(VI) species (Santos et al. 2015).As regulatory limits are becoming stricter, selenium removal from wastewater has become more and more challenging.
Read More2007-9-24 This document is the final report for EPA's Mine WAste Technology Program (MWTP) Activity III, Project 20--Selenium Treatment/Removal Alternatives Demonstration project. Selenium contamination originates from many sources including mining operations, mineral processing, abandoned mine sites, petroleum processing, and agricultural run-off.
Read MoreEPA/600/R-01/077 June 2001 Selenium Treatment/Removal Alternatives Demonstration Project Mine Waste Technology Program Activity III, Project 20 by MSE Technology Applications, Inc. Butte, Montana 59702 IAGDW89938870-01-0 National Risk Management Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 and Federal Energy
Read More2020-6-12 A previous limiting factor of non-biological, chemical/physical selenium removal from wastewater streams has been the interference of competing ions with the oxidized selenium compounds in precipitation reactions. Water is the closest thing to a universal solvent, and virtually all wastewater streams contain numerous constituents.
Read More2018-11-22 Selenium is an essential element since it is necessary for metabolism and is also toxic to the living things if it is consumed above the desirable limit. For instance, up to 40 µg per d of dietary selenium is essential for human health; however, consumption of a little over 400 µg per d could result in adverse physiological problems. In the environment, selenium occurs in different species ...
Read More2016-9-1 Selenium (Se 79 34) is an essential element in living organisms.It is the 30th most abundant naturally occurring metalloid element on the Earth's crust. Selenium is present in the earth's crust at an estimated amount of 0.05–0.5 mg Se kg − 1 (Lemly, 2004), with total selenium concentrations in rocks amounting to 40% of the total earth's crust found mainly in sandstone, quartzite and ...
Read MoreThe removal of selenium from aqueous medium is complex and expensive, because of the high wastewater volumes generated, low discharge limits (even in μg/L) and the presence of Se(IV) and Se(VI) species (Santos et al. 2015).As regulatory limits are becoming stricter, selenium removal from wastewater has become more and more challenging.
Read MoreCurrent site water management includes ACTIFLO arsenic (As) removal and clarification, followed by reverse osmosis (RO) membrane treatment. The company contracted with Inotec to evaluate the EBR technology’s potential to treat selenium from the mine waters and to meet the strict discharge limit of 1
Read More2021-6-19 ABMet* for selenium removal from water wastewater. ABMet is a revolutionary biological process that removes metals and inorganics from wastewater to below non-detect levels. The ABMet process uses naturally occurring, non-pathogenic microbes to reduce and precipitate target compounds. The result is a highly efficient biological system that ...
Read MoreEPA/600/R-01/077 June 2001 Selenium Treatment/Removal Alternatives Demonstration Project Mine Waste Technology Program Activity III, Project 20 by MSE Technology Applications, Inc. Butte, Montana 59702 IAGDW89938870-01-0 National Risk Management Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 and Federal Energy
Read More2007-9-24 This document is the final report for EPA's Mine WAste Technology Program (MWTP) Activity III, Project 20--Selenium Treatment/Removal Alternatives Demonstration project. Selenium contamination originates from many sources including mining operations, mineral processing, abandoned mine sites, petroleum processing, and agricultural run-off.
Read More2014-9-18 David Kratochvil explains how innovation in water treatment can generate major savings for the cost of compliance with new selenium regulations Cheaper selenium removal -
Read More2020-9-28 BQE commissions selenium removal plant. BQE Water has successfully commissioned the first industrial scale plant utilizing its patented Selen-IX process for selenium management, installed at Centerra Gold's Kemess project in British Columbia, Canada. BQE Water plant at Centerra's Kemess projekt. Does Switching to LED Lighting Save Your Mine ...
Read More2017-9-3 Chemical treatment has been tested for selenium removal, being mainly founded on the redox change of this element. Various reducing agents (e.g., zero-valent iron and sodium dithionite) have been tested mostly for synthetic wastewaters. pH plays a critical role in the effectiveness of the chemical treatment and, similarly to adsorption, the ...
Read More2018-11-22 Selenium is an essential element since it is necessary for metabolism and is also toxic to the living things if it is consumed above the desirable limit. For instance, up to 40 µg per d of dietary selenium is essential for human health; however, consumption of a little over 400 µg per d could result in adverse physiological problems. In the environment, selenium occurs in different species ...
Read More2016-9-1 Selenium (Se 79 34) is an essential element in living organisms.It is the 30th most abundant naturally occurring metalloid element on the Earth's crust. Selenium is present in the earth's crust at an estimated amount of 0.05–0.5 mg Se kg − 1 (Lemly, 2004), with total selenium concentrations in rocks amounting to 40% of the total earth's crust found mainly in sandstone, quartzite and ...
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الصين -تشنغ تشو -المنطقة الوطنية للتنمية الصناعية للتكنولوجيا المتطورة، جادة العلوم رقم 169.