موقعك الحالي:صفحة رئيسية>المنتجات
1990-2-1 Size and grade characteristics of the 20 selected hydrothermal gold deposits. 1986 Chilean gold production is shown for reference. t~ b~ GEOLOGY OF HYDROTHERMAL GOLD DEPOSITS IN CHILE 203 THE GEOLOGY OF THE HYDROTHERMAL GOLD DEPOSITS General Most of the known Chilean hydrothermal gold deposits are epithermal in nature and belong, as was mentioned above, to
Read MoreA detailed geologic study has been undertaken of the characteristics of 20 of the best known hydrothermal gold deposits in Chile. Characteristics include production and reserve data, metal grades, geotectonic setting, morphology, mineralogy, zonation, alteration assemblages and fluid-inclusion studies. Based on this geologic data base, two broad ...
Read MoreHydrothermal gold deposits are more common in northern and central Chile (ca. 18°-34° S; Fig. 1) where they are closely related to several discrete magmatic arcs generated during Mesozoic to Miocene time. Gold deposits, in common with the magmatic arcs that contain them are progressively younger eastward (Davidson and Mpodozis, 1991).
Read MoreHydrothermal gold deposits In general, in Chile, main gold producing deposits are hydrothermal (mainly epithermal) polymetallic in a broad geochemical sense with gold content being a minority participant respect to other metals like copper, silver and molybdenum among others.
Read MoreA review of gold and gold bearing base metals deposits in Chile, indicate the existence of at least six different type of ore deposits, most largely formed during the Cenozoic with predominance in the Miocene. Mesozoic deposits are common but less relevant regarding their size and gold content.
Read More2011-7-1 Gold tends to be concentrated in the vapor phase of fluids at high temperatures and pressures. The Au–As and Au–Sb associations are common in gold deposit. Hydrothermal fluids forming epithermal gold deposits are Au-saturated in most cases, whereas deposits of
Read More1991-10-1 The Maricunga belt is a linear metallogenic unit defined by at least 14 zones of gold and/or silver mineralization between latitudes 26 degrees and 28 degrees S in the Andean Cordillera of northern Chile. After 10 years of exploration, three precious metal deposits are in production, two more have proven reserves, and others are being drilled.
Read More2020-8-27 Chapter 1 Structural Geology Applied to the Evaluation of Hydrothermal Gold Deposits 1. T. G. Blenkinsop, N.H.S. Oliver, P.G.H.M. Dirks, M. Nugus, G. Tripp, and I. Sanislav. Chapter 2 The Dynamics of Permeability Enhancement and Fluid Flow in Overpressured, 25. Fracture-Controlled Hydrothermal Systems.
Read MorePrevious studies at Productora concluded the deposit had strong affinities with the iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) clan and likened the deposit to Candelaria. Based on new information, we document the deposit geology in detail and propose a new genetic model and alternative classification as a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia complex with closer affinities to porphyry systems.
Read More2016-11-20 Geological classification of lode gold deposits is further complicated by the following factors: 1. A significant number of large deposits are the results of superposi-tion of two or more systems, or of superposition of distinct com-ponents of hydrothermal systems due to telescoping (Sillitoe, 1994): this can lead to apparently hybrid deposit types. 2.
Read MoreA review of gold and gold bearing base metals deposits in Chile, indicate the existence of at least six different type of ore deposits, most largely formed during the Cenozoic with predominance in the Miocene. Mesozoic deposits are common but less relevant regarding their size and gold content. These hydrothermal ore deposits are
Read MoreGold Deposits in Chile. Although in detail more complex, the geology of the Chilean Andes can be interpreted as a sequence of eastward migrating Mesozoic and Cenozoic magmatic arcs built over Paleozoic and Precambrian basement (Hervé et al., 2007).Hydrothermal gold deposits are more common in northern and central Chile (ca. 18°-34° S; Fig. 1) where they are closely related to several ...
Read More1991-10-1 Abstract. Epithermal gold deposits in Chile are Cretaceous to Cenozoic in age. The ores and the volcanic rocks with which they are associated were generated at a noncollisional, ocean-continent convergent plate margin. They are related to long, slightly sinuous north-northeast-trending magmatic belts roughly parallel to the Pacific coast.
Read More2007-10-18 The El Dorado Au-Cu deposit is located in an extensive intra-caldera zone of hydrothermal alteration affecting Upper Cretaceous andesites of the Los Elquinos Formation at La Serena (≈ 29°47′S Lat., 70°43′W Long., Chile). Quartz-sulfide veins of economic potential are hosted by N25W and N20E fault structures associated with quartz-illite alteration (+supergene kaolinite).
Read More2016-11-20 Geological classification of lode gold deposits is further complicated by the following factors: 1. A significant number of large deposits are the results of superposi-tion of two or more systems, or of superposition of distinct com-ponents of hydrothermal systems due to telescoping (Sillitoe, 1994): this can lead to apparently hybrid deposit ...
Read More2017-3-17 Pluton‐related vein‐type gold deposits similar to the El Morado Au deposits occur in the Mantos de Punitaqui (30°50´S, 70°15´W) of the Coquimbo district. These deposits also comprise Au, Fe oxides and Cu minerals characterized as Early Cretaceous “intrusion‐related oxidized vein” deposits (Sillitoe, 1991 ; Sillitoe Thompson, 1998 ).
Read More2018-6-20 American Chile, with whom he was a key player in discovery of the porphyry gold and high-sulfidation epithermal gold-silver deposits of the Maricunga belt. He eventually became Exploration Manager for Anglo American Chile before join-ing Codelco-Chile. He published a
Read MoreThe porphyry gold deposits of the Refugio district and similar deposits in the Maricunga belt contain the lowest known copper to gold ratios (% Cu/ppm Au = ~0.03) of any porphyry-type deposit. The gold deposits are associated with subvolcanic andesitic to dacitic intrusions emplaced into coeval volcanic rocks. Both the Verde and Pancho deposits are zoned in space from a deeper zone of banded ...
Read More2021-6-14 It became apparent that this class, the Iron Oxide Copper-Gold deposits, included not only Olympic Dam, but also a number of other known deposits. It also became apparent that this was a class that could produce large, high grade prizes, of the order
Read More2020-11-10 Preore metasomatites of epithermal gold–silver deposits are formed by various types of hydrothermal solutions—from highly acidic and oxidized (argillization, alunitization, secondary quartzites) and moderately acid (sericitization) to rather reduced and alkaline (adularia). The possible processes creating highly acid mineralizing fluids at shallow depths are: (a) the condensation of the ...
Read More2020-3-19 • 5 – 50 Moz gold bulk-mineable oxide High Sulfidation Epithermal Gold (HSE-G) deposits are clustered in the Mio-Pliocene Arc of Chile, Argentina and Peru • Giant deposits form in near paleo-surface environment (hundreds of metres from surface) as opposed to HSE covellite – chalcosite – enagrite(HSE-CC) or epithermal gold enargite(HSE-E)
Read MoreArchean hydrothermal gold deposits have much in common with their Cenozoic counterparts, especially their association with felsic magmatism, and they are regarded here as metamorphosed equivalents of the Cenozoic deposits. The concentration of productive gold systems in the Cenozoic is surpassed only by that of the late Archean.
Read More2020-8-8 The supergiant status of the Los Pelambres deposits is de-fined by their current resource of 6,165 million metric tons (Mt) at 0.56% Cu and 0.011% Mo, using a cutoff of 0.35% Cu (Perelló et al., 2011). Chapter 4 Geologic Setting and Evolution of the Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum and Copper-Gold Deposits at Los Pelambres, Central Chile
Read More2018-6-20 significance of gold-rich porphyry copper deposits in the el Salvador Region, Northern Chile: Society of Economic Geologists Special Publication 11, p. 97-111. Sillitoe, R.H., 1979, Some thoughts on gold-rich porphyry copper deposits: Mineralium Deposita,
Read More2019-3-22 Gold Belt and through Mirasol's Atacama-Puna project generative program in Chile and Argentina. The objective of this presentation is to provide Mirasol's investors with information on geology and exploration signatures of this deposits class, giving context to our exploration program and results.
Read MoreThe porphyry gold deposits of the Refugio district and similar deposits in the Maricunga belt contain the lowest known copper to gold ratios (% Cu/ppm Au = ~0.03) of any porphyry-type deposit. The gold deposits are associated with subvolcanic andesitic to dacitic intrusions emplaced into coeval volcanic rocks. Both the Verde and Pancho deposits are zoned in space from a deeper zone of banded ...
Read More2017-3-1 Gold-Silver Deposits, Mio-Pliocene Belt, Chile/Argentina. 5. Characteristics continued; • Strong geophysical anomalies: Large scale alteration process causes the destruction of magnetic minerals in the host rocks that can be measured/mapped with airborne and terrestrial magnetic techniques. Gold- silver mineralization is typically hosted in ...
Read More2021-6-14 It became apparent that this class, the Iron Oxide Copper-Gold deposits, included not only Olympic Dam, but also a number of other known deposits. It also became apparent that this was a class that could produce large, high grade prizes, of the order
Read MoreI'm a full professor of Economic Geology and Geochemistry at the Geology Department, Universidad de Chile. I am also the Acting Director of the Millennium Nucleus Center Metals Tracing along Subduction (NMTM) and I oversee the CEGA Mass Spectrometry and Geochemistry Labs. My research interests are diverse including geochemistry of ore deposits ...
Read More2016-7-14 Structual Geology and Resources 2012 44 l High sulphidation epithermal Au+Ag+Cu deposits are characterised by the reaction with wall rocks of hot acidic fluids to form hydrothermal alteration which is zoned outwards as mineral assemblages dominated by vughy silica, silica-alunite, pyrophyllite-diaspore, and more marginal dickite-kaolin.
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الصين -تشنغ تشو -المنطقة الوطنية للتنمية الصناعية للتكنولوجيا المتطورة، جادة العلوم رقم 169.