موقعك الحالي:صفحة رئيسية>المنتجات
2009-4-2 Efficient Table Anonymization for Aggregate Query Answering Abstract: Privacy protection is a major concern when microdata is released for ad hoc analyses. Anonymization schemes have to guarantee privacy goals, as well as preserve sufficient information to support reasonably accurate answers to ad hoc queries.
Read MoreAI systems typically make decisions and find patterns in data based on the computation of aggregate and specifically sum functions, expressed as queries, on data’s attributes. This computation can become costly or even inefficient when these queries concern the whole or big parts of the data and especially when we are dealing with big data.
Read MoreIn this paper, we focus on the case when the sensitive attributes are numerical (e.g., salary) for which $(k,e)$-anonymity was shown to be an appropriate privacy goal. We develop efficient algorithms for two optimization criteria for $(k,e)$-anonymity schemes, significantly improving on previous results.
Read More2021-6-30 Query plan refinement generates potentially efficient distributed query plan by reusable aggregate query shipping (RAQS) approach. The approach improves response time at the cost of pre-processing time. If the overheads could not be compensated by query
Read More2015-2-1 An aggregate nearest neighbor (ANN) query returns a point of interest (POI) that minimizes an aggregate function for multiple query points. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach to tackle ANN queries in road networks. Our approach consists of two
Read MoreWe also extend the framework to higher dimensions (i.e., two or more sensitive attributes are simultaneously anonymized), show that optimizing the query accuracy criteria is NP-Hard, and develop provably efficient approximation algorithms in this case. We evaluate our methods on a large real dataset, and show that they are scalable and accurate.
Read More2019-11-12 Improving Query Performance by Effective and Efficient Maintenance of Aggregates Procedure to find the aggregation ratio of each of the targets and query run time statistics Follow the below procedure to know the aggregation ration of each of the targets: a. Run the Query using RSRTÆ Debug option: Select “Display Aggregate Found” b.
Read MoreFor such environments, an efficient aggregate query processing technique in WSNs was proposed in [ 7 ]. By using the identifier of each object, duplicates can be easily and accurately identified. However, in many other applications, such as military applications with battle fields, an object of interest may not have a prearranged identifier.
Read MoreEfcient Table Anonymization for Aggregate Query Answering Cecilia M. Procopiuc , Divesh Srivastava ATT Labs-Research Florham Park, NJ 07932 USA [email protected]
Read More2021-2-15 Access can help you to group and sum, average, count, or perform other advanced operations with Aggregate Queries. Create a normal Select Query, then choose the "Totals" icon in the ribbon. This turns your query into an Aggregate Query. You
Read Moreaggregate query answering efficient table anonymization sensitive attribute aggregate query efcient algorithm appropriate privacy goal query accuracy criterion privacy protection micro-data need ad hoc aggregate query sufficient information previous result accurate answering permutation-based anonymization scheme efficient approximation ...
Read MoreIn this paper, we focus on the case when the sensitive attributes are numerical (e.g., salary) for which $(k,e)$-anonymity was shown to be an appropriate privacy goal. We develop efficient algorithms for two optimization criteria for $(k,e)$-anonymity schemes, significantly improving on previous results.
Read More2015-7-8 An aggregate nearest neighbor (ANN) query returns a point of interest (POI) that minimizes an aggregate function for multiple query points. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach to tackle ANN queries in road networks. Our approach consists of two phases: searching phase and pruning phase. In particular, we first continuously compute the nearest neighbors (NNs) for each query point in ...
Read More2014-5-29 Energy-Efficient Aggregate Query Evaluation in Sensor Networks 33 number of clusters. Within a cluster, a node is chosen as the cluster head which will be used to gather and aggregatethe data for other members andforwardthe aggregated result to the base station directly. Lindsey and Raghavendra [7] pro-
Read More2013-4-1 We present external memory data structures for efficiently answering range-aggregate queries. The range-aggregate problem is defined as follows: Given a set of weighted points in R d, compute the aggregate of the weights of the points that lie inside a d-dimensional orthogonal query rectangle.The aggregates we consider in this paper include count, sum, and max.
Read MoreFor the purpose of reusing results of queries with aggregate function in distributed query processing,a multi-level hybrid view caching(HVC) scheme is introduced. The scheme retains the advantages of partial match and aggregate query results caching.
Read More2020-7-6 Efficient successor retrieval operations for aggregate query processing on clustered road networks Engin Demira, Cevdet Aykanatb,* a Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ohio State University, 43210 Columbus, OH, USA bDepartment of Computer Engineering, Bilkent University, 06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey article info Article history: Received 18 December 2008
Read MoreCache-Based Aggregate Query Shipping:An Efficient Scheme of Distributed OLAP Query Processing,廖华明;裴国顺;-Journal of Computer Science Technology2008year第06期杂志在线阅读、文章下载。1 Introduction In modern information world, data
Read More2021-2-15 Grouping Data with Aggregate Queries in Access. Access can help you to group and sum, average, count, or perform other advanced operations with Aggregate Queries. Create a normal Select Query, then choose the "Totals" icon in the ribbon. This turns your query into an Aggregate Query. You will notice a "Total:" row appear in the query
Read More2021-2-20 aggregate为非必选子句;. 在aggregate中出现的字段必须在定义应用结构的时候配置为 属性字段 ;. aggregate结果会在 节点facet节点中展示出来 ,具体值字段名为agg_fun的名字,如sum、count等. aggregate支持多个key的统计,多个统计中间用英文分号(;)分隔。. 该统计 ...
Read MoreDatabase for efficient range aggregate queries. ... (log(n)) per query? ... but becomes tricky if it has to be persisted or is too big to fit into memory. If there is an efficient pattern for implementing this on top of an existing database, that could also help. Side note: This is not an append-only table, so a
Read Moreaggregate query efficient. Aggregates: subqueries vs. GROUP BY - EXPLAIN EXTENDED. For MyISAM tables, the subqueries are often a better alternative to the GROUP BY. For InnoDB tables, the subqueries and the GROUP BY complete in almost same time, but GROUP BY is still several percent more efficient. With InnoDB, the GROUP BY queries over a left ...
Read More2014-1-14 Efficient Ranking and Aggregate Query Processing in Probabilistic Databases. Princial Investigator: Feifei Li, supported by the IIS program from NSF, award #0916448 (while at FSU), #1212310 (after transering to Utah), NSF link 1, NSF link 2. Students: Jeffrey Jestes, Chi Zhang, Mingwang Tang, Justin DeBrabant [] [Papers and Talks] [Source Code] [] [Related sites for
Read MoreHigh-Performance Data Management and Efficient Aggregate Query Answering on Environmental Sensor Networks by Computational Grids Abstract: Data representation and query models are important limitations in managing sensor network data, since streams produced by sensors are theoretically unbounded. A possible solution consists in adopting the so ...
Read MoreHome Browse by Title Proceedings MSN'05 Energy-Efficient aggregate query evaluation in sensor networks. ARTICLE . Energy-Efficient aggregate query evaluation in sensor networks. Share on. Authors: Zhuoyuan Tu. Department of Computer Science, The Australian National
Read MoreIn this paper, we focus on the case when the sensitive attributes are numerical (e.g., salary) for which $(k,e)$-anonymity was shown to be an appropriate privacy goal. We develop efficient algorithms for two optimization criteria for $(k,e)$-anonymity schemes, significantly improving on previous results.
Read More2020-7-6 Efficient successor retrieval operations for aggregate query processing on clustered road networks Engin Demira, Cevdet Aykanatb,* a Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ohio State University, 43210 Columbus, OH, USA bDepartment of Computer Engineering, Bilkent University, 06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey article info Article history: Received 18 December 2008
Read MoreIf the overheads could not be compensated by query results reusage,RAQS is no more favorable. Therefore a global cost estimation model is employed to get proper operators:RR Agg,R Agg,or R Scan. For the purpose of reusing results of queries with aggregate function in distributed query processing,a multi-level hybrid view caching(HVC) scheme is introduced.
Read More2021-7-12 Energy-Efficient Aggregate Query Evaluation in Wireless Sensor Networks Citation Tu, Z Liang, W 2007, 'Energy-Efficient Aggregate Query Evaluation in Wireless Sensor Networks', Ad Hoc Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 3, pp. 55-75.
Read More2020-12-6 5. Anywhere that an array of SObjects is queried - e.g. your Select Id from Contacts - those data rows are included in the response and so have to be transferred and consume a bit of heap. An aggregate query allows the count to be established inside the database and just that number to
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الصين -تشنغ تشو -المنطقة الوطنية للتنمية الصناعية للتكنولوجيا المتطورة، جادة العلوم رقم 169.