موقعك الحالي:صفحة رئيسية>المنتجات
A natural mineral fertilizer produced by crushing phosphate rock, it can be used as an alternative to bone meal or basic slag (now unavailable) or superphosphate. It is, therefore, highly suited to organic growers who do not wish to use animal or chemical fertilizers.
Read MoreТhrее Расk. $173.40. 2 options from $134.00. Enhance your purchase. Organic rock phosphate provides phosphorous for all flowering plants. All natural and pelletized for
Read More2019-1-22 For phosphorus, try guano, or EB Stone UltraBloom. For calcium, try limestone, dolomite, or oystershell lime. Adding Soft Rock Phosphate to the Garden
Read MoreMade in the USA. Organic rock phosphate provides phosphorous for all flowering plants. All natural and pelletized for easy application. Mined from phosphorous rich natural
Read MoreRotary dryers are used prolifically throughout the phosphates industry, for drying phosphate rock, as well as for drying granular animal feeds and fertilizer products. How Rotary Dryers
Read MoreVital Earth's® High-Phos Soft Rock Phosphate 0-13-0 is for the gardener intent on maximizing the production of fruiting and flowering plants and trees nearing the end of their vegetative growth. Phosphorus is important for root, fruit and flower development. 0-13-0 is for those heavy feeders
Read More2018-9-10 dicate they were strong feeders on phosphate rock, according to Truog. Only vetch and sweet clover were found experimentally to be strong feeders on phosphate rock. Rice and cotton did not have this capability. B. Solubility of Phosphate Rock Teakle (1928) reported that the solubility of precipitated calcium phosphate increased as the pH decreased.
Read More2016-4-15 Rock phosphate is derived from phosphate rich sedimentary rocks and is used as a fertilizer to supply Phosphorous (P) to plants. Vegetable gardens regularly amended with compost do not need additional P fertilizers infact high P is a common finding in soil tests by gardeners who use manure based composts in their garden.
Read More2008-12-9 The greensand is probably about 3% K and the rock phosphate (if it's the "soft" calphos stuff) is about 2%. You should check the label and the supplier for these numbers. Both of mineral-based amendments are "slow release"-- they break down slowly through the action of soil micro-organisms and natural "weathering" processes.
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الصين -تشنغ تشو -المنطقة الوطنية للتنمية الصناعية للتكنولوجيا المتطورة، جادة العلوم رقم 169.